Travel, Creativity and Design.

Traveling is an experience that opens the mind and the senses, making us discover new cultures, traditions and ways of life. Traveling means getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things.

Creativity is a driving force for innovation and progress that generates original ideas in everything from art to technology, from fashion to marketing.

Design is the discipline that deals with giving shape and substance to the objects and spaces that surround us. It is the art of creating aesthetically pleasing and functional solutions for the needs of consumers and customers.

Traveling, therefore, becomes a way to enrich one’s creativity and aesthetic sense, discovering new forms of art, architecture, fashion and culture. And at the same time, design becomes a tool to make travel more comfortable and pleasant, offering innovative and sustainable solutions.

In an increasingly interconnected world, travel, creativity and design represent a winning combination, able to offer unique and unforgettable experiences.



Located in Zanzibar, on Pongwe Beach, one of the most beautiful coastlines in Tanzania Surrounded by lush gardens, where bougainvillea, frangipani, croton and banana trees provide a verdant backdrop to the rooms with a view of the clear waters of the Indian Ocean. The Pongwe Bay Resort is an exclusive oasis of peace and tranquility, with an intimate ambiance that is truly in contact with its uncontaminated natural environment. We’ve done everything to make our idea of paradise on earth a realistic experience, in order to be able to share it with you. We’re proud to serve you and render your experience truly unique.


A newly converted farmhouse that feels effortlessly like home, surrounded by rural simplicity and red soil. In our place, hospitality is a natural attitude. As it has always been in constant mutation, Galeta Masseria offers the right setting for socio- cultural side activities, organizing workshops and events and supporting sports tourism to represent Salento not only as a destination for the Italian summer, but as a real place of growth and contamination where to live unforgettable experiences in every season of the year.


In the heart of Florence, inside a 500 Heritage Park. Former convent of nuns, medieval period, renovated after the war.


Plura Design Showroom Firenze
Plura Design è innanzitutto, la storia di una grande amicizia. L’amicizia nata tra Angelo Moni e Marco Bucciarelli. La grande...
Fonservizi è il Fondo Paritetico Interprofessionale Nazionale per la Formazione Continua nei Servizi Pubblici Industriali. Fonservizi nasce a seguito dell’Accordo Interconfederale sottoscritto il 5...
“Beyond the Door” è un progetto volto ad esplorare e analizzare la rappresentazione dei generi attraverso i simboli sulle porte...


z2o Sara Zanin Gallery
The z2o gallery expands, indeed, doubles its exhibition spaces. After the main office, in via della Vetrina 21, it is...
The exhibition building has been conceived like a FENDI Pop Up Museum whose circular structure evokes the concept of infinity,...
Two souls coexist in this domestic project. Two subtle narrative threads that by crossing each other take shape and substance....